Stephanie Mansell

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for September 2022: Stephanie Mansell! Here’s a message from her:

“I count myself to be lucky because, as a child, my mother brought me to our local library every week. I loved the quiet of the library, being surrounded by books, and getting to take home a stack to read at home. The library gave me access to a seemingly endless collection of stories to get lost in. I know that not every child has the same opportunity and that many don’t get the chance to visit the library in their neighbourhood at all. I therefore love the fact that minibiblioPLUS brings the library to these children. I very much enjoy volunteering in the minibiblioPLUS library—all these years later and I still love books and reading and libraries. Every child should have access to books. I like knowing that the volunteer work I do in the library adds up and contributes to childhood literacy in my community.”