Cyra Pantaleon

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for October 2022: Cyra Pantaleon! Here’s a message from her:

minibiblioPLUS and their philosophy of the importance of early literacy really speaks to me because as a child, my mom has always read books to me, which probably sparked my everlasting love for reading. I still remember the stories she read to me, how excited I was to hear them, and I want them to have the same pleasurable experiences as me. Every time I enter a classroom, they yell out my name with so much excitement that it makes my whole week, and it feels great knowing that they are excited to see me and to read with me. Whenever I get a new book bag, it’s as if I’m a child again, and I get excited to see the new books I get to read. minibiblioPLUS is such a great community, I always feel welcomed, and they even helped me land a job! Thank you for this amazing opportunity, it will always hold a special place in my heart!