We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for June 2023: Luna Zhang! She worked with us for a few weeks as part of a partnership with UQAM. In the photo Luna Zhang (right) with our Executive Director, Asha Dixit (left). Here is what Luna had to say about her experience:

” I am deeply honored and grateful to have had the opportunity to volunteer with MinibiblioPLUS for over a month. Storytime at the local kindergarten has been an incredibly rewarding experience, and assisting the marketing team in the office has been equally fulfilling. I would like to extend my appreciation to the staff for their warm welcome and assistance. Their teamwork and collaborative spirit have made my volunteer experience both enjoyable and educational. Their teamwork and collaborative spirit have made my volunteer experience both enjoyable and educational. This recognition motivates me even more to put my best foot forward and make a positive impact on my future life.”