Volunteer of the month

Volunteer of the month – January 2023

Bee Bergeron

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for January 2023: Beatrice Bergeron!

Here’s a message from her:

“As a child, my mother read me a story every bedtime until I learned how to read. She told me it was my favorite part of the day, in part because she framed it as a treat. I am convinced this made me a voracious reader, who sometimes had to be told off to stop reading when going down the stairs. I am grateful my mother made this effort for me. Especially since someone told her I might never learn how to read when I was 4. Only because I am autistic (which has nothing to do with being able to read, but maybe has a little to do with why I organize my library by color).

I decided to volunteer for minibiblioPLUS to pay forward what my mother gave me. I am also very happy I was assigned to a school for autistic children.

After reading Neil Gaiman’s article (Why our Future Depends on Libraries, Reading and Daydreaming) where he discusses the benefits of reading and being read to, it really cemented my desire to volunteer at minibiblioPLUS.”

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Volunteer of the month – November 2022

Douglas Barnes

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for November 2022: Douglas Barnes! Here’s a message from him:

“It is my privilege to work as a volunteer at minibiblioPLUS. Working with a dedicated staff and a team of volunteers whose love of what they do is surpassed only by their ability to do what they love is very much  satisfying and rewarding.”

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Volunteer of the month – October 2022

Cyra Pantaleon

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for October 2022: Cyra Pantaleon! Here’s a message from her:

minibiblioPLUS and their philosophy of the importance of early literacy really speaks to me because as a child, my mom has always read books to me, which probably sparked my everlasting love for reading. I still remember the stories she read to me, how excited I was to hear them, and I want them to have the same pleasurable experiences as me. Every time I enter a classroom, they yell out my name with so much excitement that it makes my whole week, and it feels great knowing that they are excited to see me and to read with me. Whenever I get a new book bag, it’s as if I’m a child again, and I get excited to see the new books I get to read. minibiblioPLUS is such a great community, I always feel welcomed, and they even helped me land a job! Thank you for this amazing opportunity, it will always hold a special place in my heart!

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Volunteer of the month – September 2022

Stephanie Mansell

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for September 2022: Stephanie Mansell! Here’s a message from her:

“I count myself to be lucky because, as a child, my mother brought me to our local library every week. I loved the quiet of the library, being surrounded by books, and getting to take home a stack to read at home. The library gave me access to a seemingly endless collection of stories to get lost in. I know that not every child has the same opportunity and that many don’t get the chance to visit the library in their neighbourhood at all. I therefore love the fact that minibiblioPLUS brings the library to these children. I very much enjoy volunteering in the minibiblioPLUS library—all these years later and I still love books and reading and libraries. Every child should have access to books. I like knowing that the volunteer work I do in the library adds up and contributes to childhood literacy in my community.”

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Volunteer of the month – August 2022

Joan Buttersworth

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for August 2022: Joan Buttersworth! Here’s a message from her:

“Finding a little time to volunteer gives a big reward. I feel so energized and happy as I write this because I have found a way to do something meaningful by making reading fun! ’s philosophy and approach to supporting early literacy is so tangible with each visit; I love being welcomed by children and to see their attention and imaginations. Each visit is a great opportunity to spark curiosity and to bring books alive. Being patient and building our relationship takes time and it is a real delight to hear the children’s voices calling out “Book time!” when I come in. Thank you to   for all the wonderful support and my sincere admiration and appreciation to all the daycare providers for taking such good care of our little ones.”

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Volunteer of the month – July 2022

Madeley Conway

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for July 2022: Madeleyn Conway! Here’s a message from her:

“I fully support ‘ mission of instilling in children a life-long love of reading and learning from birth.  Reading has always played an important role in my life.   It helped me overcome childhood poverty and pursue a successful career.  It also has been a vehicle with which to share the world with those that are important to me, particularly my children.  Reading is a source of pleasure but also offers so many opportunities to grow. I am glad to be part of an organization like that helps children discover its importance.”

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Volunteer of the month – June 2022

Cynthia Li

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for June 2022: Cynthia Li! Here’s a message from her:

“In a story, we can generally notice an evolution in the behavior of the characters. For the past few months, during which I had the opportunity to volunteer for , I felt like one of those characters. Reading thrilling and intriguing stories to children turned out to be a really fulfilling experience for me, and I can even say that I’ve received way more than I’ve given. Being a volunteer for a dynamic organization that has a mission aligned with my own values allowed me to learn many things, laugh a lot during my first reading and, hopefully, share with a new generation the joy of reading that I’ve always had since my childhood. Thank you  for the opportunity you gave me!”


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Volunteer of the month – May 2022

Chloé Dumas

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for May 2022: Chloé Dumas! Here’s a message from her:

I am very happy to be part of the volunteer family. This program is very important to me because reading as a child was a very special time of sharing. My school had a special book event every year where our parents would come to school and read us stories. I was always so proud when my mother led story time. She would even let me choose the book! I want to pass on to the kids not only the magical experience of reading, but also that feeling of being special that you get when a story was chosen just for you. When I see them jumping up and down with excitement when I arrive, asking questions and giving me hugs at the end, I find myself hoping that this mission was successful. Thank you for this great opportunity!

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Volunteer of the month – April 2022

Fanie Paris

We are delighted to announce our volunteer of the month for April 2022: Fanie Paris! Here’s a message from her:

The volunteer work I get to do as a volunteer perfectly combines my passion for reading and my love for children. With my background in theater, I am able to create unique moments and connections for the kids each week. Access to reading at an early age is essential for the development and literacy of the very young and it also it also opens the door to curiosity, imagination and exploration. The smile and the and the children’s sparkling eyes during story time are the most the most beautiful gifts.

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Contact Info

3755, Botrel Street, Suite S-102
Montreal, QC H4A 3G8

(514) 872-0517
